I hope everyone has started the term with a smooth transition so far! This term will be a very exciting term, concerning and regarding to our math class! We
will be focusing on a new math subject, Trigonometry. Trigonometry, stated from Wikipedia, " is a branch of mathematics that studies triangles, particularly right triangles. Trigonometry deals with relationships between the sides and the angles of triangles and with the trigonometric functions, which describe those
relationships, as well as describing angles in general and the motion of wavessuch as sound and light waves." This new subject in class will involve making sure you have your supplies everyday at school. Supplies that you will need everyday include: a ruler, calculator, Trig. book, and your notebook, which includes your written homework assignments, and in class notes.
Although our previous scribe reminded us as a class with what we needed, its always nice to have another reminder. From what Jojo has stated, these new few weeks, will be a review for a lot of us. We will be looking at material that we have previous learned from previous years and even last term. However, just because it will be a review for most of us, doesn't mean "slacking off" and not taking the class serious is acceptable. Daily Quizzes will still be given out, homework will still be checked regularly and your assignments regarding the blog are still very important.

Now today in class, we all went to the computer lab and learned about a new way of presenting math lessons, POD-CAST'S.
In the lab we all got the opportunity to try out the program and make a few practice runs with even, fake scripts. Now pod-cast's are made from a program on Apple product computers. The program is called "GarageBand". We all learned that this program allows you to create voice overs, add pictures, videos, and even cool sound effects to your own personalized pod-cast. Jojo stated earlier that we will all have an opportunity to present a pod cast are more details are to follow. I think we all found this newly advanced technological program and exciting and interesting addition to our class. Can't wait to see what people come up with!
Today in class we had our 1st. Daily Quiz for the term! One important reason why doing your homework and reading and taking notes from your math notebook and the math book is because, may times, the daily quizzes are from homework and information from the book. For example the Daily Quiz today included two formulas from last nights homework and they are easily found in the math book.

Daily Quiz # 1. - Give the two formulas stated, "The Distance Formula and Midpoint Formula."
On Page 4 of our books, the Distance Formula is given:
On Page 5 of our books, the Midpoint Formula is given:

Today Jojo gave students who were unable to see the homework from last night on the page, because of technical interference, he let those students have another night to complete the homework.
Don't forget to do tonight's homework, (Pg. 11, 54-64 even, 66-72, even.)
I proudly announce the new scribe to wonderful and beautiful, Camila!
Have a great evening and I hope this post was helpful! Lets have a great term!
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