In this reflection post, I would like you to comment as you generally would, but all comments are due tomorrow!
Please share all of the homework problems which you have the correct answer from the manual, but were not explained in class to you by the teacher or by a fellow student and you must review before the test. We will look to get them all covered in the next day or two. Please include your class period so I can organize the questions.
In addition to those questions, please make general BoB comments (that's where you get the extra credit)!!!

I am going to offer you one bonus point on your test with completion of a simple assignment. I would like you to post your reflections on the material covered so far. Just comment on this post. To get that bonus on your test, the kind of post I'd like you to make should have one or more of these characteristics:
- A reflection on a particular class (like the first paragraph above-how did that class enhance your learning?).
- A reflective comment on your progress in the course.
- A comment on something that you've learned that you thought was "cool".
- A comment about something that you found very hard to understand but now you get it! Describe what sparked that "moment of clarity" and what it felt like.
- Have you come across something we discussed in class out there in the "real world" or another class? Describe the connection you made.
Something in the "real world" that I see myself consantly reckonizing if shapes are congruent or similar. Chapter six I kind of enjoyed, so I hope I can study and do well on it for the test. I liked doing problem four in chapter six in class because it was cool finding the area of weird shapes by using other shapes. I am slowly starting to understand proportions, but it hasn't clicked 100% yet.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed the class where we learned about the different parts, and equations used for circles. Having all the different part of the circle drawn and labeled really helped me understand how to use the information to solve for unknowns. I'm really enjoying this section because it requires the ability to look at a drawing and see what information can be solved for with whats already given. These kind of problems make a lot of sense to me so I enjoy solving them.
ReplyDeleteProblems: (period 2)
pg80 #10, pg 92 #2,
I really liked the classes in which we all worked together in groups. My personal favorite of these was the day when Noah, Bekah, Keenan and I were in the same group. We worked really well together and we were all able to politely criticize and correct each other. It was helpful to hear other peoples' approaches to problems that I found difficult or that I didn't fully understand. :)
ReplyDeleteMy problem problems (haha funny) were all worked out in class. Thanks everyone and Jojo!
My problems have all been resolved either from a fellow student, by me looking back over my work, or by Jojo.
ReplyDeleteOne thing that I found hard to understand was ratios, after me and my dad worked through the problem I figured out how to solve them and then it just felt like doing basic algebra.
The "moment" of clarity was part of me going "finally," and then part of me going "really? Why couldn't I have gotten that sooner?"
My progress in the class is okay, organization is still a big deal for me though and it something that I am working on.
Period 2:
ReplyDelete#12 p.95, #5 p.92
I wasn't doing too well in the class because I was not participating in all the blog assignments, however, I"ve made more of an effort to complete my homework and the posting for points, this has helped my overall grade.
This section is a lot harder than the others but I think I'm figuring it out alright.
My progress is going smoothly, but basically ive started doing math homework, and i completely understand the material that we are going over.i look foward to progressing with my knowledge in geometry as the couse goes on.
ReplyDeleteNow that we've learned more and more about congruent and similar figures, I'm seeing them everywhere I go. I notice geometry in architecture, paintings, even homework outside of math. My understanding of the chapters is fine, and I feel relatively confident about the test.
ReplyDeleteI think my progress is improving, now that I have been coming in at lunch for extra help in addition to my tutor I think, hope at least, I will not do horrible on the test.
ReplyDelete& Number 9 & 12.
I've started noticing similar and congruent figures in my other classes. For instance in Spanish we had to do a project on an artist and I really noticed how my artist Picasso used proportion and similarity and congruency in so much of his art. So that was pretty cool.
ReplyDeletePg 82 #15abcd
Pg 92 #5abc
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMy progress in this class has gotten a lot better now that I actually read and take notes. It’s a lot easier to understand the material to do the homework. This will really help me for the test because if there are questions that we didn't do for the homework I'll be able to do knowing the material.
ReplyDeleteI remember the day we (3rd period) got a lecture on how we are all smart and this is not the "slow"(er) class. This sort of reflects my progress in the class but also in other aspects as well. A lot of people don't see me as studious and that day really made me want to show others that I am smart and put forth an effort.
ReplyDeleteThis section i have really stepped up and tried to take more initiative in my learning. I have been doing the homework every-night and have made sure to check the blog. I feel that because of my initiative to work harder i have learned alot more in this chapter than i had in the first two.
ReplyDeleteI've learned during the course of the class that the necessary effort to succeed is not nearly as daunting as I had first thought. Initially, I found myself thinking the homework was somewhat redundant and unhelpful which made my work ethic a poor one. However, when I realized that the work is not only necessary, but completely ethical, the work was much easier to do. I have struggled in the class despite having a good understanding of the subject because I have failed to participate fully in the online aspect of the class. I believe once I begin working a bit harder towards my goal, the system JoJo has set up will reward me for my efforts.
ReplyDeleteUm... I think in this class i am improving in many ways. Like shakespeare said I do remember that day of intense lecturing. And it shows that we are just as good as any other math class. I see the progress that I am making as an individual, but also I see the progress that we are making as a class.
ReplyDeleteI see similar and congruent figures like everywhere i go. all around my house, when im out and about, like in the design of buildings and stuff.
ReplyDeletelike other people, i to see the progress that im making but also the progress of our class.
The classes that I really enjoyed were the classes in which we worked together in groups. These classes made the information alot easier to understand. Now i feel more compelled to get help from my peers and this seriously helps me as far as comprehending and doing the material correctly.
ReplyDeleteThis class is difficult there are som many differnt things to check and visit every night. but the actual math isnt so bad its beginging to click. this section has beenmuch easier and i have enjoyed this. working together.thoose classes were amazing. love 'em. and today. since we worked on one problem and we slowly went over it.
ReplyDeleteI realized that everything is either similar and or congruent. Similar shapes don't have the same size but the same shape. Congruent shapes have the same size and same shape. My knowledge of these definitions helped me figure out that everything is similar and or congruent.
ReplyDeleteThe part of of the class I like the most is chapter 6.It seemed easier than everything else we've gone over. In the course, I am understanding the work quicker and have been more interested in the work lately. Something I thought was cool is when Jo^2 showed us those visual illusions made up of a series of circles
ReplyDeleteMy favorite part of our class is when we talked about congruent and similar triangles. I really understand that part of our class. I think the most productive part of our class is when we get into groups. That way we don't have to do as many problems. It keeps everyone engaged and learning. After all the best way to learn it is to teach it.
ReplyDeleteI have sort of been enjoying these last two chapters because they seem very tangible to me. For example how ever cliche this may sound, i do feel i am more aware of geometric figures, and congruent and similar shapes around me. I also really enjoy the flikr assignments, i think it gives us a chance to be creative but really requires us to know the concept.
ReplyDeleteAll the questions I had problems with were on PB works, or were gone over in 3rd hour... so I don't have any problems with the homework. I would like to go over Corresponding sides again, though.
ReplyDeleteI realized as the class went along that taking the notes actually helps further my understanding of the material and actually doing the homework the night before as opposed to breaks and lunches gives me more time to reflect on my problems or confusions with math. I have now realized that its a little bit easier to do things right the first time rather than play catch up throughout the year.