I am going to offer you one bonus point on your test with completion of a simple assignment. I would like you to post your reflections on the material covered so far. Just comment on this post. To get that bonus on your test, the kind of post I'd like you to make should have one or more of these characteristics:
- A reflection on a particular class (like the first paragraph above-how did that class enhance your learning?).
- A reflective comment on your progress in the course.
- A comment on something that you've learned that you thought was "cool".
- A comment about something that you found very hard to understand but now you get it! Describe what sparked that "moment of clarity" and what it felt like.
- Have you come across something we discussed in class out there in the "real world" or another class? Describe the connection you made.
Something that really intersted me was noticing that the work is slowly getting harder. It is great seeing how everything we have learned kind of connects and feeds off eachother, which helps me understand it better. I was happy when I took notes on the areas of all the shapes, I realized that now that I know what the shapes really are the equations totally make sense!
ReplyDeleteOne certain stood out to me as my moment of "clarity". When we did the country projects, which I thought was a good project helped to spark my learning of the inscribed triangles. As well incorporate some problem solving methods, by using the chart which helped me to draw up the correct answer.
ReplyDeleteLast week when we were going over what area was, Jojo asked me what area was. I answered saying it was base times height. Yeah thats not what it was. When Jojo made us all get out of seats and explained that it is the "space" of an object I understood why he was saying it couldn't be B*H. It felt good to understand what we were talking about in class. This has helped my progress in the class, because it helped me to further understand something math related. I will know how much progress I have made in the class after this next test.
ReplyDeleteI liked the class where we traced our hands on a piece of paper to express area. This exercise really helped me to recognize the difference between "rotation", "length" and "space". I also thought the country projects really helped me understand more a about inscribed triangles. This was a moment of clarity for me.
ReplyDeleteWhen we had to find the area of objects on Google maps was difficult but also helpful.
I enjoyed the class where we found the area of various spaces on Google Earth. It was interesting to figure out what area formula would work for which shapes. It was also interesting to think of how to find these shapes we don't really use precise measurements. Rather we average out the lines that most follow the shape. It reminded me of graphing, like how we use the average line to demonstrate slope of points.
ReplyDeleteSo Shake, how would you explain area now?
ReplyDeleteI really liked the class where we traced our hands on a piece of paper to show area. I liked it because it gave me another way to look at and understand area other then all the various formulas we have learned. It also helped me to get a better understanding of the difference between space, length, and rotation. This weekend I colored in the outline of my hand and made it checkered.
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ReplyDeleteI think my moment of clarity and the cool thing I learned was the Polygon Country Assignment. First of all I enjoyed doing it and it helped me really understand polygons because I used to think it was just the common hexagon octagon etc. but now i know its alot more than just those I mean mine had 47 sides. Also I didn’t get the inscribed triangles at first but after doing this project it all came together.
ReplyDeleteI was always used to thinking about area as base times height, but like Shake, I quickly learned to think about in in terms of space. I had never learned before that it was space.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed doing the Flickr and the Polygon Country projects as well as the Google Earth assignment. I like how we incorporate different elements into our math class besides just sitting there everyday and staring at our papers.
One class that I thought was cool was teh google earth class--even though it took me a long time to do the project I found it all very interesting and alot of fun!
ReplyDeleteI think that I am making good progress in the class and I am doing much better then I was during the last unit--especially with the blog.
I have really enjoyed the classes where we just go over the work and can go up to the board to work out a problem ourselves. One thing that i really enjoyed about math last year was the working out the problems on the board everyday and having your classmates and teacher help you out and push you trough it. I like going over the daily quizzes as well.
ReplyDeleteoh and I think over the month or so that weve been in class i have slowly began to understand what you want from us and have started to do that. i am positive that by the end of the semester i will have a great understanding of geometry and will begin to use it in my daily life. (more than i already do).
ReplyDeleteithink that over the course of the semester so far i have begun to get a greater understanding of geometry than i had before. for example, all of the formulas for area used to be a challenge for me. i thought that there were too many and i had trouble remembering. this class has helped ingrain them into my head and has given me a more practical way to approache them.
ReplyDeleteFor me I really liked seeing, learning, and understanding how all the area formulas worked together. It really cleared a lot of confusion for me in the homework. My favorite assignment so far would have to be the "Google Earth" measurements that we did. It was a chill and very enjoyable activity. Before we began on area, I had no idea what it was, but now I can confidently saw I know what it means to find the area. My progress in the class I would say has been inconsistent, however, I am trying my best to "get in the gear" so to speak. Junior year proved to be harder than I expected, but I am not overwhelmed by it. I have used our new knowledge of finding the area two times. [1]It came in handy last Sunday while taking a practice test for the PSAT [2] I helped a FEMA flood assessment worker calculate the area of a basement and see how much of it was damaged.
ReplyDeleteI really liked the day when we saw the art program someone was using. It showed that in everyday cases, geometry is important. From combining trianbles with a large shape to creating parallelograms, geometry can be applied nearly anywhere.
ReplyDeleteI thought the countries project was fun. That assignment gave us the opportunity to be artistic as well as mathematic. I actually understood inscribed triangles; it made so much more sense with that simple formula (# of inscribed triangles = # of sides - 2 x 180).
ReplyDeleteThe Google Earth project was also pretty cool. Technology was put into play while we were calculating areas; that activity displayed how almost everything in the world connects to geometry / math in the long run.
i really liked the country project because it was very creative and it also helped me learn about the inner polygons of a polygon and the names of the different types of polygons. rather then answering a question like, what a 5 sided polygon is called we were able to pick a shape figure out the names of it. color it in. see the inner polygon shapes and then figure out what those polygons are called based on their sides. and then see how all of the different polygons work together to create the country (the one big polygon.)
ReplyDeleteWhat I really enjoy in this class is learning how geometry applies to everyday life and how we can use it. It makes the class much more interesting, because it's not one of the subjects where you're thinking 'and how will I EVER use this stuff?'
ReplyDeleteAn example of this would be when we did the google earth project. We were able to apply the things we are learning (formulas for area and perimeter) to life. All I could think about was how important this was for when you buy your first house, or if you want to find out how much space you have available to you. If you understand the concepts of Area you will probably have an easier time understanding what sort of place you might be looking at, how large it it, and things like that.
I really enjoyed this section mostly because it is concepts that I previously have gone over but now am just going into more detail. i really enjoyed going over the area of trapezoids because i have done alot with area but never trapezoids. The one thing that i most enjoyed learning in this section was altitudes because that was one thing that was completely new for me.
ReplyDeleteI thouroughly enjoyed working on Google Earth in the computer lab because it took off a lot of "pressure" that a classroom or "textbook"(since we don't technically have one" does. It made the frustration I have for math almost disappear which was relaxing. The only problem was that I had trouble understanding the homework given the night before and I couldn't ask questions about it because we were reviewing DQ's and learning how to use Google Earth. So if we could somehow find a good balance between the asking questions and learning the new lesson IN CLASS i'd have no problems.
ReplyDeleteEpiphany: I have realized that there isn't too much that I can complain about with the blog. I noticed that if I am proactive about figuring out how to use it properly and doing the work that is assigned I rarely have any trouble or frustration towards the class, the blog, or Jojo. I believe that a lot of us as students accepted defeat and frustration so that we wouldnt have to take the extra time to learn how to understand math or the blog and all of its detailed entities. Which mostly lead to us blaming Jojo for our stubborness on how to aquire a new set of learning skills. Learning something is very different from learning how to understand what is being taught. Both are proven difficult if you have a lack of ambition or willingness to feel dumb for a few secs.
I personally think that this Unit helped me get back on track. I finally understood the Blog. I liked how that i was able to notice how everyone was starting to get on track with this class. During this unit i saw a lot of people strive to do good in class, ask questions, and contribute to class work. This unit was very interactive, which i liked. I liked changing it up with going on walks, going to the computer lab and using other resources to help learn the material better. I thought that learning about the different formulas for finding the area was pretty neat. I found it difficult with understanding ven-diagrams, and today i think a light-bulb when on, which was good. I found myself more challenged this unit and more motivated to strive in the class, which was really great for me. Gave me the opportunity to buckle down and start taking the class seriously.
ReplyDeleteI do like when we do peer-peer ;earning in the class. Sometimes it's easier for me to understand when a peer helps to explain in more then one way. And it's nice knowing that if both of us don't fully understand Jojo will point us in the right direction.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite part of our class is when we talked about congruent and similar triangles. I really understand that part of our class. I think the most productive part of our class is when we get into groups. That way we don't have to do as many problems. It keeps everyone engaged and learning. After all the best way to learn it is to teach it.