Monday, December 14, 2009
Final exam guide
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Venn diagram
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Finals time approaches
Friday, December 11, 2009
Final exam guide (Unit three)
This same video site, has even more than just this one. But this one does the best job with circles.
Calculating the Perimeter of a Circle: Geometry Tips | eHow.com
Web sites
A good web site, covers stuff we learned in class. The very bottom has a few this we don't need to know.
Chapter 7 (Similar Geometric Figures)
Similar Figures
Good video
Web sites
Congruent figures
Web sites
FINAL EXAM study guide. unit 4 (in progress)
Pythagorean Theorem
Special Right Triangles
Chapter 9. Volume
Volume Formulas and Explanations
Prisms and explanations
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Prep guide for final (Unit one)
*If you want to make up conversion problems and make sure you got the correct answer this website will help*
This is a link to a video on converting from the metric system to the British system. The first example will diffidently show up on the final.
Chapter Two (Angles and Their Measures)
This is a great web page.
This video is a little long, but if you are totally in the dark about classifying angles these examples will be helpful.
Chapter Three (Angles Formed by Intersecting Lines)
Nice review video
Good website!!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Scribe Post, December 4th, Jordan
Friday, December 4, 2009
Scribe Post, December 3, 2009, Noah
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Sphere video
This link provides a video demonstration of how to calculate the surface area and volume of a sphere. I hope it is helpful.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Scribe Post-Camila-Chapter 9-12/01/09
Sunday, November 29, 2009
scribe post---chapter9---11/18/09---kharon
Monday, November 23, 2009
Chapter 9, Monday Nov. 23, Scribe post, Jericho
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Scribe Post, Chapter 9, Charles 11/17/09
In order to find the volume of the stubby you must use the formula V=AH when V=volume, A=Area and H=Height.
After all of these rules about the stubby were written down Coco Jadray caught wind of another headache due to his chronic bubonic plague therefore we sadly could not continue our lesson and we began to use what learned from the reading we did the night before and lesson we learned about our new friend the stubby and began to do our homework. This consisted of knowing all the formulas to find the volume of the geometric figures we will be studying in class. Soooooo I took the liberty of finding some brief videos that will help give us the basic idea of how to use the formulas and find the volume of the different geometric figures given on present and future homework, DQs, and tests.
Next Scribe is ...TADAAAA...K-Ron. YAAAAAY!!!! GO K-ron!!!!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Tom, Scribe Post, Chapter 8, 11/12/09
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Henry, Scribe Post, Chapter 8
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Andrew, Scribe Post, Chapter 8

This is a very useful tool and all you have to remember is:
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Monboss, Scribe Post, Chapter 8
Howdy Guys,
Today we began a new chapter; Chapter 8: The Pythagorean Theorem and Special Right Triangles. We started class by exploring and looking into what exactly is the Pythagorean Theorem. The Pythagorean Theorem was developed by the philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras.
What is the Pythagorean Theorem?
Pythagoras proved that every right triangle square is
a^2 + b^2 = c^2
(leg)^2 + (leg)^2 = (hypotenuse)^2
Here's an example to show the equations use:

The figure above shows us the use of the equations because the number of squares around one side or leg of the triangle added with another side or leg of the triangle equals the hypotenuse, which is the sum of the two legs.
Example of the use of the Pythagorean Theorem:
(a)^2 + (b)^2 = (c)^2
(2)^2 + (3)^2 =(c)^2
4 + 9 = c^2

c = (squar. root) 13
The Importance of Perfect Squares in the Pythagorean Theorem
It is important to know your perfect square, numbers that you will get if you multiple two numbers that are the same together ( e.g. 2*2, 3*3, etc.), because a lot of times you will need to simplify a number under the radical.
For example:
(2)^2 + (4)^2 = c^2
4 + 16 = c^2
20 = c^2
(squar. root)20 = (squar. root)c^2
now this is where some people will stop and believe the problem is over; however, using perfect squares we can simplify (squar. root)20 to:
(squar. root)4 (squar. root)5 = c
using my knowledge of squares, i know that the square root of 4 is 2 giving me:
c = 2 (squar. root)5
Now you are probably wondering how did i figure out that 4 and 5 will allow me to simplify (squar. root)20. Well this where the importance of knowing your Perfect Squares is vital.
Here are the Perfect Squares till 15:
Well young lads and young ladies that is all is I have for you.
May knowledge and strength be upon you.
Next Scribe Andrew
- Monboss
Monday, November 2, 2009
Scribe Post, Noah, Chapter 7

Today in class we had our Daily Quiz 23. On the quiz, it gave you two triangles with one missing side. You
had to find the missing measures. Be sure you know this for the test. The quiz went great, it was more difficult from the previous quizzes, so if you need extra help on that quiz, be sure to talk to a study group or a teacher before the test on Thursday, November, 5, 2009. We also got our quizzes back from Daily Quiz 22. Which a lot of people did greatly on. Today we also got the opportunity to look over our homework and check with the handy dandy answer packets. Many students had questions on Question 8,
Focusing on Question Eight, we made sure to cover the different ways you could answer the problem.
The Image above, shows a collection of congruent shapes
We went over how you can use a proportion to find the answer to the problems.

With the great help of our teacher, we were able to look at some example problems and go over the questions that many students had in class. Because we got so invested in figuring out and answering the many questions students had, class was cut short and we weren't able to finish all the problems.
Even though today was a more low key day in class, it was still important to stay focus and take good notes,
Just a couple of helpful reminders :
1. Be sure to take extra detailed notes on your homework and in your math dictionary these last couple of days before the test, so you can be prepared for it this upcoming thursday.
2. Be sure to come to class with questions to be addressed.
3. If needed be sure to get a study group together sometime this week, if needed
4. Make a study guide for the test on thursday, it can be great fun and very useful
5. Review your notes every-night before bed, it can help a lot
The Next Scribe will be posted by Jojo, there are no more scribes available at the moment
Have a great evening, and get a good nights rest, and be sure to come to class prepared for a great day!
The PoP Reflections BoB
In this reflection post, I would like you to comment as you generally would, but all comments are due tomorrow!
Please share all of the homework problems which you have the correct answer from the manual, but were not explained in class to you by the teacher or by a fellow student and you must review before the test. We will look to get them all covered in the next day or two. Please include your class period so I can organize the questions.
In addition to those questions, please make general BoB comments (that's where you get the extra credit)!!!

I am going to offer you one bonus point on your test with completion of a simple assignment. I would like you to post your reflections on the material covered so far. Just comment on this post. To get that bonus on your test, the kind of post I'd like you to make should have one or more of these characteristics:
- A reflection on a particular class (like the first paragraph above-how did that class enhance your learning?).
- A reflective comment on your progress in the course.
- A comment on something that you've learned that you thought was "cool".
- A comment about something that you found very hard to understand but now you get it! Describe what sparked that "moment of clarity" and what it felt like.
- Have you come across something we discussed in class out there in the "real world" or another class? Describe the connection you made.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Anna D - Scribe Post, Oct. 30
On Friday, we didn't have a DQ. The class was divided into groups based on which problems on the homework we didn't understand. This method has worked pretty well so far (at least for 3rd period). In our groups, we discussed our methods of approach regarding the problems we didn't get right or just didn't get at all. Some parts of the homework were pretty tough, but we got through them fairly well.
Our homework focused on similar figures and finding proportions with which to solve them. Similiar figures are geometric polygons that are the same shape, but aren't necessarily the same size. For example...

These two trapezoids are the same shape, but their sides aren't of equal measure.
There are several different ways triangles can be similar.
1) They are not the same size, but they do contain equal angle measurements.
2) A smaller triangle is made from an angle of the original triangle.
3) Their sides can be proportioned (this really goes for any similar figures).


#3: (This is pretty tiny and a little confusing, but I think you guys get the point already.)

That's similar figures for ya :) The next scribe is Noah.
Happy Halloween yall.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Scribe Post-Noemi-Chapter 7
Today we took Daily Quiz #23. It asked to draw a pair of similar figures and define what made them similar. If you read the night before you should recall that two figures are similar if (1)they are exactly the same shape or (2)if one of the figures can be rotated,translated, or reflected to coincide with the other figure. Knowing that hopefully everyone got a 5/5 on their quiz.
We also got our Daily Quiz #21(Area of a Circle) back and went over it in class.
C=7π/2 (We are given this) C=2πr (We know this) A=πr^2
First, you have to figure out the radius(r). Which turns out to be 7/4 feet. Knowing (r), plug
it in to the area equation to solve for the exact area. This turns out to be 49/16π feet squared.
It also asked to solve for the approximate value using π. The answer turns out to be 9.g feet
squared. Finally, it asked to find the area of a rectangle around the circle. Knowing that the diameter of the circle equals the length of the sides of the rectangle we can figure out the area if the rectangle. D=2r and r=7/4 feet so the radius diameter equals 7/2 feet. Know you can figure
out the area of the rectangle. A=bh which equals 49/4 feet squared.
We went over Chapter 7 but more specifically we went over Congruent Triangles. Triangles are
congruent when all corresponding sides and interior angles are congruent. The triangles
will have the same shape and size, but one may be a mirror image of the other.
To denotate congruent triangles with hashes or arcs you must have the same number on the
corresponding sides to show that they are congruent.

- Congruency does not depend on orientation
- Congruent figures should be able to be rotated,translated, or reflected so all vertices sit atop each other when the shapes are placed on each other.
- The symbol to show two figures are congruent you use ≅
- The symbol to show that two figures are similar you use ~
The last thing we did was watch a video on YouTube about Similar Figures. Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IUI3jtSEWU
Don't forget to do the homework, Adios. (Next Scribe is Anna!)
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Katherine Scribe Post Monday October 26
Monday, October 26, 2009
Jordan Scribe Post
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Scribe Post-Camille-Thursday Oct 22
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Scribe Post - Madison - Ch 6
We then went over some problems in class from the homework problems from 2 nights ago. One of them, 2c looked like this:
- A circle has a circumference of exactly 7pi/2 feet. What is the exact length of the diameter?
- Start by stating what you know, C(circumference) = 7pi/2 and the formula for diameter D=c/pi
- We now have a systems of equations. So plug in! D= 7pi/2|pi/1 (7pi/2 is over pi/1 making it a fraction)
- Because we have two fractions on top of each other, we multiply by the reciprocal of the bottom fraction, 7pi/2 x 1/pi This causes the two pi symbols to cancel out, creating D= 7/2 which equals 3.5. So the exact length of the diameter of the circle is 3.5 feet.
I'm sorry if that looks a little confusing. All the 'pi' are the pi symbol and all the / and | marks are fraction bars!
We then went over how to find the area of a circle.

The area here is given in terms of the radius, but because we know that D=2r, IF it is given in terms of the DIAMETER, we'll know how to do it!
Jojo told us that area has to do with space that is measured in square units and circumference has to do with length and distance.
Some helpful links that can explain further about finding the area of a circle. A little dry, but hey, they work.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBAsK9jB91I (She's a little....robot-y but it really explains what we went over!!)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q081LTbFtMo&feature=PlayList&p=0A3DF1D5B4A25D75&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=4 (this one you can pause on the steps)
Everyone remember to post their circle picture on Flickr!!!! Remember that it can take a couple of days to show up....!
Next scribe is Camille