“Imagination is More Important Than Knowledge”—Albert Einstein
1. What wouldn't you be able to do everyday without (Pi)?
-I wouldn't be able to drive to work (aw man, now you can't use driving as an example! :-) ).
2. Have an imagination and be creative! Design a digital design or sketch of the word "Paideia" that incorporates symbols, signs, and formulas we have used so far in this class! (Art should not be larger than 8 x 11 or the computer screen...)
See the Google Logo example above.
All responses and drawings due 5pm Thursday.
Well, we wouldn't be able to make PIE without pi. Pi is used for the circumfrance, and area of circles... Without it it would be extremely difficult to make a circle... Okay, I guess we could make pi but it would not be in the form of a circle... But the point is, we wouldn't have circles, or it'd be extremely hard to construct them.
ReplyDeleteThere's my Paideia sketch thing...
We wouldn't be able to go to Paideia. (Pi-High) Pi is important to the Paideia community. We use it for jerseys(sports outfits), abbreviations, and more.
ReplyDeleteLuke, design the word Paideia, not define the parts of Paideia. Good try though...it should be of higher quality design as well!
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't be able to go home and feel unhappy that I didn't understand the trig homework (becuz I didn't pay attention in class) because pi is a very integral part of trigonometry.
ReplyDeletePi is a HUGE component of trigonometry. Without trigonometry, we wouldn't have a lot of the necessary architectural structures that get us through our day. For example, bridges can't be constructed without the use of trig and pi.
ReplyDeleteSince my dad is a Mechanical Engineer he deals with numbers all day everyday so, I would not be going to Paideia if my dad didn't know Pi because I would not have the money to attend this school. (If this example counts)
ReplyDeleteIf we didn't have Pi, CDs wouldn't exist. First they had to design records, and old 45s but they needed Pi to create the circular shape. Then records progressed to tapes (which move in a circular direction) then CDs, circular and finally MP3s (but that's besides the point)
ReplyDelete1) well first off, pi is a man invented number. before pi was invented everyone did just fine. having said that,without having pi, anything circular or with a curve would not exist. things would be much harder. there would be no cars, no wheels, and no tools to work with.
ReplyDeleteIf we didn't have pi than we wouldn't be able to have and of the circular things that we need for everyday life. tires, pizza, balls, plates, pans. if we didnt have pi than life would be much harder.
ReplyDeletewithout Pi i would not be able to play Ultimate, the use of Pi contributes to the design and invention of the frisbee which happens to be the most important component of Ultimate!
ReplyDeleteI love making cakes. And with pi I couldn't make circular cakes. And circular cakes are the funnest to decorate and frost!!
ReplyDeleteMy Pi Paideia logo picture is on flickr under the tags Piday and Gta310
Without Pi i could not play paintball because without pi paintballs could not be made to the right side. as well as basketball because you could not get the rim or the ball to the right size.
ReplyDelete1.) If Pi did not exist, I would not be able to play volleyball because there would not be a way to make the volleyball; it would not be possible to make a circle, let alone a sphere.
ReplyDelete2.) /Users/Emma/Desktop/DSCN1089.JPG
1. If Pi did not exist there would be no sports that use balls There would not be a way to make the balls we would have to use things like rectangles and other shaped objects to play sports. it would be a disaster because a lot of the exercise comes from sports and lots more people would be over weight.
ReplyDeleteWell, without pi you wouldn't be able to fly, because you need wheels to get planes to take off. =)
ReplyDeleteMy picture is at flickr under PiPicture
& my username is Kitkat310.
(sorry this is like 15 minutes late, I had to go to the dentist, and didn't realize it would take this long)
If we didn't have Pi we wouldn't be able to create ships and cruise around the ocean for long periods of time. Pi has a large deal to do with the mathematics and necessary mental tools to build a boat.
ReplyDeleteSorry that this is a little late. I only just got home. Without Pi, we wouldn't have clocks to tell time... we wouldn't have delicious pies to eat... we wouldn't have a delightful unit circle to learn about. Life would be bleak! But luckily for us, we have pi, so we can have circles, and radians and all kinds of things!
ReplyDeleteP.S. Image is on flickr!
Without Pi we would not be able to play sports that use balls, or even ultimate for that matter.
ReplyDeletepicture is on flickr...
without pi i wouldnt be able to live in my house. because the measurements of the house and the poles or pillars that support the house wouldnt have been calculated without the use of pi. i would therefore be homeless and thus forcing me to sing "pants on the ground" at the underground and lil 5 for spare change just to eat. i would also have to sleep in the woods because there would be no highways for me to sleep under. thus bringing the issue of wild bears and lions roaming around in the woods putting my life in danger. and we all dont want that. that is why pi is so influencial in my life. without pi my life would be nothing
ReplyDeleteimage is on flickr. i named it pigoogle...
I would not be able to listen to music during long car or plane rides because the circular headphones I use would not exist.
ReplyDeleteThis posting is now closed for grading. All additional comments will count towards extra credit!
Without pi, planes would not be able to fly because the engines have circular openings that allow in the correct ammount of air to maintain lift. Without pi, we would be unable to measure the area and circumference needed for each engine, and would be unable to maintain flight.
ReplyDeleteWithout Pi I wouldn't be able to order a pizza and judge the amount of pizza given and its value, i would be able to see if a large pizza was different compared to a medium pizza
ReplyDeleteWithout Pi basketball would be different then how it is now because each goal would have a different area then other goals, making it difficult to be consistent.
ReplyDeleteMy computers have hard drives that have a round disk inside them. Without this I wouldn't be able to use my computer or put posts on Jojo's blog.